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LinkedIn Phone Number Search

How to Search Phone Numbers on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a popular platform for professionals to connect with others in their industry. It provides various tools to help you connect with people worldwide. Using the right methods, you can use LinkedIn to find phone numbers and discover new business opportunities.

Wondering how to find the phone numbers of people you connect with on LinkedIn? Discover different ways to do so in this article. Several options exist, from doing it manually to using automated tools and Chrome extensions.

LinkedIn Phone Number Search GrowMeOrganic CSV Sheet

Different Ways To Get Phone Numbers From LinkedIn

LinkedIn does prioritize data protection and privacy.  However, you can follow the legitimate methods below to obtain LinkedIn phone numbers.

Traditional Method

Each LinkedIn profile is a pool of information in itself. You can find a professional’s personal information under the contact section. Let’s quickly look at the steps to do so. 

  • Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Search your target prospect and open their profile page.
  • Click on the contact info.
  • You will find personal details, including the number, if the profile is public.

While this method is entirely free, there are a few barriers.

  • Not every user provides their phone number on LinkedIn
  • Users who have provided their personal details may hide them for privacy reasons.
  • Doing a manual search for bulk requirements is time-consuming. 
  • Even if you find a public account with a phone number, its data accuracy is a concern. There isn’t proof that the number is up-to-date. 
  • Integrating the accumulated data into the CRM also needs to be done manually. 
  • Automating the following steps, like organizing the collected data, is challenging. 

Chrome Extensions

If you are looking for the best way to streamline data extraction, the Chrome extension is the answer. You can use it to simplify your phone number search. Tools like GrowMeOrganic, Kaspr, Lusha, etc., can help you extract phone numbers from LinkedIn in just a few clicks.

Here is how these extensions work –

  • Install the extension.
  • Open the LinkedIn profile of your target prospect.
  • Click on the extension’s icon.
  • It will extract the phone number and other details.

Chrome extensions are a better option because –

  • Data precision is a key benefit. These extensions are built specifically for data extraction, making them an invaluable tool.
  • It allows you to extract unlimited phone numbers. If you are searching for prospects at scale, it will help.
  • Several Chrome extensions are available for free. However, you can upgrade to paid versions for advanced features.
  • Ease of use is another reason why Chrome extensions are an ideal option. It seamlessly integrates with your browser for a smooth experience. 

Automation Tools

Both manual search and Chrome extensions may take time when you need to scale up your phone number search. The role of automation tools for bulk extraction comes into play here. Automation tools enable phone number extraction from hundreds and thousands of profiles in a go. It saves both money and time. 

The numbers are extracted directly from LinkedIn profiles, ensuring the data is valid and up-to-date. Examples of a few automation platforms include Datagma and Phantombuster. 

These tools allow exporting a CSV file from the LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Here are the steps to follow when using an automation tool –

  • Search for leads on the Sales Navigator.
  • Apply filters based on your target prospects.
  • Export the target list as a CSV.
  • CSV file is then uploaded to the bulk finder tool.
  • Your data is enriched with the required phone numbers.

While this method lets you reach targets at scale, there are certain challenges. 

  • The number of steps involved in this method is higher. This makes it time-consuming.
  • Not all automation tools in the market ensure robust compliance.
  • Limited or no integration is possible. The manual process of adding data to your CRM and other applications can be challenging. 
  • Chances of human error increase with manual tasks.

Step-By-Step Guide On LinkedIn Phone Number Search 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do a LinkedIn phone number search with Chrome extension. You can use GrowMeOrganic’s Chrome extension for both individual and bulk searches. It is an all-in-one solution offering unlimited credits at an affordable rate. Search as many as phone numbers you need on LinkedIn with GrowMeOrganic. 

Start 14-days free trial today and follow the below steps once the extension is enabled.

For Individual Phone Number Search

  1. Open the individual profile of your target prospect.
  1. Click on the GrowMeOrganic widget on the screen (Find phone + email).
  1. Now, click on the unlock information on the top right.How to Search Phone Numbers on LinkedIn? 4
  1. The phone number of the target individual will be displayed on the screen.

For Bulk Phone Number Search

  1. Type a keyword (chief marketing officer/head of marketing) in the search box. 
How to Search Phone Numbers on LinkedIn? 5
  1. You can set more filters like job, location, industry, etc. Use Sales Navigator for more filters.
  1. Perform a search, and a list will be created based on the keywords and filters.
  1. Click on extract emails on this search.
extract emails on the search
  1. Go to GrowMeOrganic’s dashboard to view extracted data. It includes first name, last name, email, phone number, etc. 
  1. Convert the data into CSV, XLS, or XLSX files.
CSV file extracted from the GrowMeOrganic's automation tool

Enriching data becomes simpler with this method. Besides, the integrations also keep your CRM and other applications up-to-date. 

What Do You Do Once You Have The Phone Number?

Once you have acquired the numbers, it’s time to pass them on to your sales team. Here are some of the best approaches to be followed. 

  • Before you dial a prospect, ensure comprehensive research on them. Dig deep into their profiles and learn about their recent developments. Whether they have changed jobs or received an award. The better the research, the higher the chances of a conversion.
  • Not sure what to say upon dialing the call? Having a script ready can be beneficial. A few introductory lines and a value pitch can be handy when calling a prospect. Always personalize by having a value pitch or CTA ready. 
  • A well-thought opening line is a must for a lasting impression. It will set the tone right from the start. Remember to be relevant and tailor your line based on your prospect. Once you have introduced yourself, be ready with a valuable solution for their business. 
  • Prospect interaction is not a one-time task. Remember to keep the conversation going through routine follow-ups. Add value via each conversation to build trust and a lasting relationship with your prospect. If you have identified any pain point in the previous interaction, provide a solution in the next follow-up. 
  • Have Plan B for rejections. Prospects often hang up by saying they don’t have time. It can be because you were not able to set up the conversation. In this case, ask for feedback on what you could have done differently to secure the time. 

Following the above recommendations will aid in reaching your sales goal. Be confident and choose the right time to call. 

Final Thoughts

Whether looking for potential candidates, new leads, or researching LinkedIn can enhance your search outcomes. LinkedIn provides a store of information, including phone numbers. 

Are you tired of manual email extraction on LinkedIn? Numerous free and paid services are available to assist in your phone number search on LinkedIn.

Sign up for the free trial now and unlock key phone numbers with GrowMeOrganic. Start 14-Days FREE Trial and boost your reach effortlessly. 


  1. Is Phone Number Public On Linkedin?

A phone number will not appear on a LinkedIn profile until it is added under the contact information by the user. 

  1. Are There Any LinkedIn Limitations While Extracting Contacts?

There is no need to worry about LinkedIn limitations when using Chrome extensions to extract contact information like numbers. The LinkedIn account is only used to navigate through different profiles. The information is extracted from different servers.

  1. How Much Does It Cost To Search Numbers On LinkedIn?

You can try a free trial. There are also paid plans to find phone numbers. GrowMeOrganic’s starter plan begins at $49/month. 

  1. Do I Get Verified Contacts?

GrowMeOrganic provides 575M+ verified professional contacts. You can use its Chrome extension to search for verified phone numbers from LinkedIn. 

  1. Can We Only Extract Information From Connections?

No, you can use GrowMeOrganic to extract information even from individuals who are not your connections. 

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