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12 Best & Tested Ways To Grow Your Email List In 2024

An Email List that isn't growing: How to fix the issue and Grow your email list easily!

Email users are expected to increase from 4.3 billion to 4.6 billion by 2025 – that’s over half the world! With such massive potential, businesses need email marketing more than ever to grow their brand.

The first step? Build an email list. This helps you stay connected with customers, subscribers, and prospects. But you are not supposed to stop here; the goal is to keep expanding that list!

A growing email list means more revenue and a powerful way to spread your brand’s message to potential customers.

So, how can you boost your email list? What strategies do top marketers use for big results? And how can social media play a role? 

Keep reading to get answers to all of these questions.

Grow Your Email List: 12 Important Tips

Email lists, or subscriber lists, can shrink when people unsubscribe and grow as you collect more addresses through lead generation.

If you’re not building your list yet or need fresh ideas, here are 12 easy ways to grow it. Just remember, letting people opt-in to your emails is important because some may not be interested.

1. Create Unique Email Content

Exciting and engaging emails are essential for getting people to sign up. Craft your email content to match your target audience. 

For potential customers, focus on showcasing your products, services, and case studies. For existing customers, keep them updated with news on new or improved offerings. 

Remember, each email should feel relevant and personalized to the recipient.

2. Motivate Subscribers To Forward Your Emails

Add social sharing buttons and an “Email to a Friend” option to your marketing emails. This will tap into your recipients’ networks and help you grow your contact list. 

Remember to include a simple “Subscribe” link at the bottom so anyone who receives the email can easily opt in!

3. Segment Email Lists Based On Buyer Persona

One of the best ways to grow your email list is by segmenting it. This means splitting your list into groups based on age, location, or interests.

Segmented emails see 50% higher click-through rates than generic ones. So, rather than emailing everyone and getting little response, focus on targeting the right audience for better results.

4. Insert An Opt-In Link With Employee Signature

Hyperlinked email signatures can guide people to a landing page where they can easily join your mailing list. If you’re already in a natural conversation, signing up for more emails feels like a smooth next step.

5. Use New Content

You can create a new lead-gen offer, like a free ebook, and host it on a landing page where visitors can download it by sharing their email.

Does all gated content grab attention? No, but do not worry, as we have another solution. 

Sometimes, you need to offer value upfront. For that you can start with a blog post offering beginner advice, then tease more advanced content, available through email sign-up on a landing page.

6. Leverage Social Media To Grow Your List

Another great tactic is to promote your signup page on social media by sharing the link in your profiles or running ads that direct users to it. 

With 97% of users checking products on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, having your signup page there can boost customer engagement and future brand interaction.

7. How To Use Facebook For Growing Email List

Facebook Ads are a powerful tool to grow your email list. You can reach the right audience easily with precise targeting by demographics, interests, and behaviors.

They’re affordable, simple to set up and cover 9% of global digital advertising. Just be clear on your goal (email sign-ups) and include a strong CTA.

Also, maximize reach by using Facebook Stories for eye-catching posts. You can keep your audience engaged with updates and event info this way on your Facebook page.

8. Instagram Hacks For Growth

One of the best Instagram hacks for growth is optimizing your bio with a compelling call-to-action (CTA). Your bio is a valuable space to highlight your email list and include a link to your sign-up form. 

Make the CTA irresistible by offering exclusive offers, bonus content, or insider information. 

Another effective strategy is sharing posts that subtly guide users to your bio link without directly asking for their email. For instance, you can promote a giveaway or offer helpful content, encouraging them to click the bio link and sign up. 

If you have an Instagram Business profile with over 10k followers, you can also leverage the swipe-up feature in Stories to direct users to your email sign-up page or special offers. 

This feature lets your audience engage with your content and sign up for resources like free trials.

9. Using LinkedIn For Building An Email List

To build an email list using LinkedIn, start by sharing links to your sign-up page after conversing with connections. This allows users to continue engaging with you and access more high-quality content through your emails. 

You can share these links in InMail messages, comment threads, or direct messages to make it easy for people to subscribe.

“Optimising your LinkedIn Profile is thus the crucial 1st step that you must at least put in place to earn the attention and strengthen the positioning that you want to create online”
Stephanie Lam
Conversion Marketing + NeuroScience Based Consultative Sales Trainer for SAAS

Another great tactic is to promote your email newsletter on LinkedIn. Share snippets of your newsletter content in posts and invite users to sign up for the full version. This not only builds curiosity but also encourages ongoing engagement with your content.

You can also publish gated offers on LinkedIn. When you share valuable information, encourage users to sign up for your email list for more exclusive content. This strategy works well in LinkedIn group discussions too, as long as your offer is relevant.

10. Website Optimization

To optimize your website, start by asking visitors for feedback. People enjoy sharing their thoughts, and a simple form on your site can gather helpful insights while collecting email addresses for follow-ups.

Keep your lead capture forms short, ideally with 2-3 fields. Long forms tend to drive visitors away, but you can always gather more details later once you’ve established contact.

Place call-to-action (CTA) buttons across your site, linking to offers that capture email sign-ups. Key spots include your homepage, ‘About Us,’ and ‘Contact Us’ pages. 

If your campaigns aren’t converting as expected, consider A/B testing different elements like copy, CTA text, and form placement – sometimes, small adjustments can lead to a big jump in conversions.

Additionally, starting a blog is a great way to improve search engine rankings and build a subscriber base that can be nurtured into email campaigns. Guest blogging on other websites is another effective strategy, helping you tap into new audiences. 

Include a CTA inviting readers to subscribe to your blog or email list. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of customer reviews – adding them to your landing pages can provide the social proof needed to encourage sign-ups.

11. Growing Your Email List With A Partner

Growing your email list with a partner is a smart way to reach new audiences. By collaborating with partner websites, you can direct their visitors to your own site, where sign-up forms are already in place.

Running promotions on these partner platforms is an easy way to encourage sign-ups. Another effective approach is co-marketing – creating an ebook or webinar with a partner. 

This not only shares the workload but also gives you access to their audience. If the content is gated, both of you collect email addresses, expanding your list and nurturing new leads.

12. Using Traditional Marketing

Attending trade shows to demo your products and collect email signups directly from potential customers is a great way to grow your email list with traditional marketing. 

Once the event ends, import these contacts into your database and send a welcome email to confirm their opt-in.

You can also host offline events like meetups and seminars to engage qualified leads. Collect their email addresses during the event and follow up with welcome emails to encourage opt-ins.

Webinars are another effective tool; attendees usually register with their emails, allowing you to nurture these leads. QR codes in print marketing can also help you collect emails by requiring an address to access exclusive content.

If you have a physical store, consider offering a membership program where customers can sign up with their emails at checkout. This builds your list while fostering loyalty, enabling targeted campaigns that encourage repeat visits. 

These were some of the best ways to grow your email list! But remember, the goal is to mix and match strategies from this list. 

“Ok, I will assume you already understand copywriting, headlines, driving traffic, demographics targeting, A/B testing, blah blah..So here’s the main meat:
1) FREE is probably the biggest thing. Without this, forget the rest.
2) Tap into competitive nature. Run contests. People love to brag and compete. In fact, I used this to drive up my email list by 1400% (How I “Growth Hacked” My Email Subscriber Base by 1400%)”
– TaeWoo Kim
AI Engineer

As TaeWoo Kim highlights on Quora, the ‘FREE’ method and using competitiveness can bring in an added advantage. So why not give it a try? 

By reaching your audience from different angles, you’ll surely enhance your chances of growth.


The best way to grow your email list is organically! It might take a bit longer, but it’s far more effective than using borrowed or purchased lists. 

Now, think about how your customers engage with your business. Pick one or two key strategies to start building your email list. 

Then, take it to the next level with GrowMeOrganic – create sign-up forms, collect subscribers, craft emails, and use reporting tools to boost engagement and convert leads into customers.

Sign up for the 14-day Free Trial to learn more. 


1. How To Grow Your Email List Faster? 

Offer valuable incentives like free resources or discounts, use signup forms on your website, and promote it across social media to grow your email list faster. Collaborations and giveaways can also help attract more subscribers quickly.

2. How To Get 10,000 Email Subscribers? 

To get 10,000 email subscribers, offer valuable content like exclusive tips or freebies, promote it across social media, and use targeted ads. Consistency and clear call-to-actions will keep your list growing.

3. How Do I Build My Email List? 

Creating segments is one of the best ways to build your email list. This involves grouping subscribers by demographics, interests, or behaviors, allowing for more personalized and targeted messaging.

4. What Is Your Process For Growing An Email List? 

Our process for growing an email list starts with creating high-value content, optimizing sign-up forms, and leveraging social media. You can also use targeted ads, engaging lead magnets, and regular A/B testing to maximize growth.

5. How Can I Measure The Success Of My Email Marketing Efforts? 

You can measure the success of your email marketing through metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall ROI. Tracking subscriber engagement and growth over time also provides valuable insights.

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