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Why is it Important to Maintain Email Lists?

Why is it Important to Maintain Email Lists?

Every marketer needs to maintain email lists. Building your email list is one of the best ways to ensure your business’s success by retaining ownership of your audience. According to HubSpot, email generates $38 for every $1 spent, equating to a whopping 3,800% return on investment. Email is still one of the most effective forms of communication today.

Aside from being good business sense, email marketing yields another valuable asset in the form of your opt-in email list. Let’s look at an email list in more detail and what makes it so important to Maintain Email Lists for your business.

An Email List

Maintaing your email list (redesigned)

A mailing list is a collection of e-mail addresses that people have voluntarily provided either online or in-person so they can be contacted by e-mail. As a result of their interest and trust in what you have to say, your email list is a reflection of your contacts’ interest and trust in you.

Are Email Lists Worth Buying?

You should never purchase an email list, despite how tempting it might seem.

People who didn’t subscribe to your list will probably mark your email as spam. Plus, if they’ve never been to your website, it’s unlikely they’re interested in your products. Sending emails to people who have agreed to receive them is not only legal but also ethical.

Buying an email list isn’t always worth the price.

How important is it to Maintain Email Lists For your business?

Adapting to changes in technology

Search engines are constantly evolving, and Google’s algorithm is constantly updated. In some cases, you can get penalized without knowing you did anything wrong. Your business would still be able to reach thousands of people via email even if all your SEO rankings dropped.


By building an email list, it is possible to communicate with prospects, leads, and past and current customers more personally. The audience receiving your email will also be receiving email correspondence from friends, family, and colleagues, unlike social media, where the audience may or may not glance at your status update before moving on. After your email reaches their inbox, people can read it more than once, and even search for it again later.

Communicating with your audience

By interacting and posting status updates on social media, you are only able to reach a very small percentage of your audience. Social Mouth founder Francisco Rosales says that although 22 per cent of emails end up blocked or in junk folders, 78 per cent of them succeed in reaching their target audience.

Boosting relevance through Segmentation

With email list segmentation, you categorize your subscribers, group them based on interests, and then tailor the content you send them based on those interests. You can send highly relevant information to your subscribers by understanding what type of information they prefer to receive. In email marketing, list segmentation accounts for 77 percent of the ROI, since it helps improve conversions and provides the right incentives to the right people.  

Analytics that can be measured

Insight into the success of your marketing efforts through the best email analytics tools is one of the most important reasons to build and maintain email lists. In some cases, you can see the reasons why people unsubscribed from your list.

And, in some cases, you can see which people opened your emails and clicked on links in those emails, what devices your audience used to open the emails (mobile, tablet, computer, etc.), and who unsubscribed from your email list.

You can use data of this level to improve future efforts, such as guiding content creation, determining the best time to send emails, writing more compelling calls-to-action and subject lines, as well as influencing overall list segmentation.

By analyzing data, you can determine the return on your investment in email marketing and make informed and strategic marketing decisions.

Despite being one of the original tried-and-true methods of marketing, email marketing is far from outdated. A common trait of most successful businesses is the importance of maintaining and safeguarding their contacts.

Make sure you protect yourself from algorithm changes by not leaving your biggest asset in the hands of social media platforms that might or might not exist tomorrow. Your list is yours – keep it to yourself.

What is required to build an email list?

Hopefully, you now understand the importance of building an email list, and why ignoring it is a huge mistake.

Let’s take a look at all of the things you’ll need to build an email list.

Here are four things you need to build an email list:

  • Using an email finder tool
  • Websites and blogs.
  • A service for e-mail marketing.
  • An opt-in form that converts well.

All of them are fairly simple to set up, and none of them require programming expertise.

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