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This list of 30 must-know Email Marketing terms is for all Marketers!

This list of 30 must-know Email Marketing terms is for all Marketers!

Due to its immense size, dozens of email marketing terms are interchangeable with each other in the email marketing industry. These email marketing terms are extremely important to know. We hope you gain some insight from these email marketing terms and will be able to add them to your business email vocabulary. Let’s get started with the list.

Email Marketing Terms

Let’s have a look at these terms in detail:

A/B Split Testing

It is a way of comparing the results of two or more email variants and concluding that they are the same. As the name suggests, you prepare variants of the same email and name them A, B, C, etc. Comparing the results of different people can help you find the most effective one.

The ratio of attachments opened

The attachment open rate is the percentage of people who click to open the attachment that you have sent via email.

Automated follow-up

You may want to send a follow-up email after sending an email to the recipient to remind them about the topic. There are tools on the market like GrowMeOrganic that can automate this process.

Note- In addition, 80% of sales require more than a five-step follow-up.

Email Autoresponder

When an email is sent to a particular address, an automated message or series of messages is sent. Out-of-office emails, for example, are auto-responders.

Bouncing Rate

Your bounce rate is the percentage of emails that didn’t reach your recipients’ inboxes.


Email blocking occurs when spam filters or other factors prevent your emails from being sent. When you send a spam-looking email or cross the Gmail daily sending limit, this happens.

A domain may be blacklisted for sending too many unsolicited/phishing emails if it is blacklisted by anti-spam groups. The chances of a blacklisted domain being treated as a spammer are high once it has been blacklisted. There are tools such as mail-tester that will help you check whether your domain is blacklisted.

Mass email/bulk mail/Email Cadence

Mass emailing is the act of sending a single email to hundreds of people simultaneously.

Anti-spam law

In the USA, the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 primarily restricts the ability of businesses to send misleading emails to recipients.

The CTA (Call to Action)

Email Marketing- CTA

A request or order is typically included at the end of an email to entice the recipient to take some action. For example: “Download the app now”.

Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

Canada has an act that requires Canadian and international organizations to receive consent from recipients before allowing them to send commercial emails within, from, or to Canada.

Sending a cold email

The term “cold email” refers to an email sent to someone you don’t know for some reason. You can understand cold email better by reading the definitive guide.

Ratio of conversions

In email marketing, conversion rate refers to the percentage of people who complete your desired task. Example: When you email a person to make them sign up for your app, it’s a conversion.

IP/Domain Dedicated

If you have a dedicated IP address, you can access your website anywhere on the internet using this IP address or domain name.  


A domain-key identifier (DKIM) enables an organization to take responsibility for an email that is sent. Based on the reputation of their previous emails, the organization’s emails will be handled further.

Using drip marketing

The drip marketing technique involves sending a series of pre-written emails in response to the recipient’s behavior.

Client for email

Email clients allow you to use emails directly from your computer’s desktop without having to log into a browser. Microsoft Outlook is one of the most commonly used email clients on the market. It can also be integrated with third-party applications like Outlook time tracking by TimeCamp, Salesforce, ClickUp, and Slack.

 Harvesting and scraping email

The process of harvesting email addresses from similar industries or interests to send a mass email is known as email harvesting. It is possible to harvest emails using special email harvesting tools. 

Many countries consider it illegal to collect emails without the consent of the user. Don’t spam users with your emails unless you have their permission first.

Phishing via email

An act of fraud where scammers send mass emails illegitimately using the name of a popular company to capture personal information from unaware people like credit cards, passwords, etc. You can avoid phishing attacks by utilizing a secure password manager

Queue of emails

Essentially, it is a chain of all your emails that need to be sent one after another. Whenever you automate an email campaign, all the emails are queued together.

Grey Mail

A recipient has chosen to opt-in but has lost interest over time as the topic itself has lost interest to him. The emails you send to them are known as grey emails because they don’t entirely fall under the spam or legitimate categories.

Blocking images

Images are automatically blocked by email clients by default or due to a personal preference of your recipient. The advantage is that they can save time and data, but the disadvantage is that marketers cannot communicate effectively. The blocking of images is one of the main reasons why mass email senders prefer plain emails.

A double opt-in process

Whenever a reader reads your blog and wants to opt-in to your newsletter, make sure to send him a test email to confirm his email address. By doing this, you will ensure your email list is clean and that all recipients are eager to receive emails from you.

Sending an email campaign

An email campaign is a series of emails to achieve a specific goal. A primary email is followed by multiple follow-ups. Depending on how the follow-up was handled, such as whether it was opened, responded to, or not opened, etc., these follow-ups are designed differently.

Deliverability of emails

Email deliverability refers to how easily an email lands in the recipient’s inbox. If it is high, it is more likely that your email will be read.

Filtering emails

A filter for emails identifies if an email is important, promotional, social, or spam and classifies it accordingly. You can save a lot of time by using these filters.

List of email addresses

Usually, it contains information about individuals such as their names, email addresses, workplaces, and locations. Such lists assist with segmentation and personalization.

Provider of email services (ESP)

The term “email service provider” refers to any company that provides you with email services. As an example, Gmail is the most popular email service provider.

Templates for email

An email template is an email that is already made to serve a specific purpose. Some emails are specifically designed for particular actions. 

E.g. – When someone submits their resume to your company’s career id, they receive an email telling them that you are reviewing it.

Verification of email addresses

In email verification, you remove fake emails, invalid emails, sensitive emails, or emails that appear unusual. Email lists should be verified at least every three months.

The honey pot

Immediately after harvesting a spammer’s email, an anti-spam entity flags it for spam. A honey pot is an email address that is used as a spam trap by an organization to combat spam.

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