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Email Conversion: How to convert Email Leads into Customers?

Email Conversion: How to convert Email Leads into Customers?

Do you know the mantra on how to convert email leads into customers? Well, just give people what they want. Most businesses worked hard to attract a lead but they ended up losing it to a competitor. Or worse, when you even got their attention but missed the mark on sealing the deal.

Well, this could be frustrating. An important tool for turning leads into customers is email marketing. Email marketing helps you to reach out to people who have visited your site without converting. Through this, you get a second chance at a conversion.

But to nurture a lead you should personalize and customize your communications, use the right types of emails, and use promotional emails strategically to target those beads that haven’t been fully cultivated.

In this article, we have covered email conversion rates and 9 important strategies that will help you convert email leads into customers.

Email Marketing

Email Conversion Rate

Email conversion rate is an important KPI and key for determining ROI. It is the percentage of the number of recipients (leads) who have acted on your email (signups, purchases, etc.) by the total number of successful deliveries.

Average email conversion rates vary depending on various factors, like geographical location, industry, company size, email type, and more depending upon your business.

 Email Conversion Rate

9 Strategies To Convert Email Leads into Customers

Traceability and Speed

Always remember leads never like to wait. The more you delay reaching out to leads for more than an hour, the higher the chances that you will be missing out on potential revenue. Leads will lose both patience and interest and close with your competitors instead.

Using CRM systems such as GrowMeOrganic, Mailchimp, HubSpot, or GetResponse can help you keep track of your leads so their interest doesn’t end up in your overcrowded inbox. 

Leads Qualification

Leads Qualification

In the various stages of a customer journey, it is important, to begin with, a pool of leads generated from various sources such as website sign-up forms, social media, and subscriptions.


There are four main types of leads as per Hubspot- 

Marketing Qualified Lead- Leads that are received through marketing communications such as content offers and email campaigns. They may download a free white paper.

Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)- These leads are ready to connect with sales advisors and buy the product. They might request a meeting.

Product Qualified Leads (PQL)- These leads indicate a strong interest in signing up for a free trial or by starting a subscription to your product or service.

Conversion Qualified Leads (CQL)- These leads are converted by submitting a form on your website or by a call-to-action click in your email campaign.

You need to qualify the lead first. This is achieved by assigning coordinators or sales representatives. So, before initiating contact do quick research for the lead in your CRM system to know what they want,  where they are at, and have taken action already.

Nurturing Leads

Lead nurturing is the most important marketing strategy. It is the process of building and reinforcing relationships between your brand and your leads at every stage of the customer journey.

It helps to keep your leads engaged and keep your brand at the forefront of their minds throughout the customer lifecycle. Remember, without lead nurturing 80% of your leads will never convert.

Email Segmentation

In email marketing strategy email CRM is the most important and valuable asset. If you are aware of the demographics, psychographics, purchase history, and browsing activity of your leads then it becomes easier to run email campaigns. 

These campaigns work based on their interests, needs, and desires and deliver the right message to the right people at the right moment. Email list segmentation also helps to increase open, click-through, and conversion rates. So, mail list segmentation will help you meet your target audience based on their level in the customer journey. 

Email Personalisation

To stay ahead in email marketing, personalizing emails is very important. It helps to make the connection with them more personal and deliver relevant content that leads to more conversions.

“Personalization — it is not about first/last name. It’s about relevant content.” 

  • Dan Jak, head of email & SMS- British Gas 

Personalized emails make your target audience feel special because of the tailored nature that helps to convert a consumer into a conversion.   

Copywriting Emails 

It is the art of crafting personalized email campaigns that will convert your leads into customers and serve as selling machines from the moment your emails reach their inbox. Always write something based on the needs of the leads. 

Email copywriting should establish a clear focus, mentioning the benefits of buying the product with a promise of fulfilling your lead’s expectations. 

Fostering Trust

Sometimes leads already show interest in what you have to offer but they are not ready to take the final step and convert into paying customers. Then, convincing them with your social presence is the best way to convert them. 

Use testimonials, reviews, and other social media channels in your email campaigns to emphasize beneficial and thrilling features of your product or service. Moreover, people trust other people’s opinions and recommendations. 

Dedicated Landing Page

Landing Page

A landing page is always important as it encourages your leads to take the desired action. Combining email marketing and landing pages always renders good results. 

That is why many professional email marketing platforms offer landing pages as one of their features.

Track Email Marketing Analytics

Analytics will help you to work on your pinpoints and  Keep an eye on your other email marketing KPIs. For instance, a decrease in the open rate is a result of a poor subject line. 

Similarly, a poorly designed call-to-action and poor segmentation will result in a low click-through rate.  So, tracking and monitoring your email marketing metrics will tell you where your leads are at and what you can do to persuade them to convert. 


Sales is a science and the most successful salespeople work in a structured and organized way. CRM systems along with personalization help in structuring your everyday tasks such as sending out offers, reminding you of follow-ups, and measuring analytics of consumer behavior. 

That is why establish trust, and deliver value and benefits from the beginning. This will not only help you to generate more revenue, but it also resonates with your targeted audience better. 

Whether you are reaching out to new subscribers or trying to re-engage with old ones, delivering valuable content, use email segmentation to meet your subscriber’s expectations. 

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