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Cold Email Marketing: 4 Simple SaaS Strategies for Customer Acquisition

Improve Your SaaS Cold Email Marketing With Vetted Strategies, Templates & Tips [Beginner Friendly Guide] 

Yes! SaaS (Software as a service ) can replace old business models in the near future. Largely due to a preference for automation over old-school software and manual processes.  However, just like any other field, SaaS companies need solid ways to find new customers.

Email is king for finding new customers. About 90% of marketers agree it’s the best way to get leads. If you’re not using cold email marketing for SaaS, you’re missing a big chance to up your game.

Did you hear? In tech, only 20% of cold emails get opened. Yep, 80% are ignored. So why doesn’t it work well for SaaS?

It’s not that it’s too complicated. You just need a smart approach. Simple emails won’t cut it. They need to be catchy and well-crafted.

Forbes says less than half of small businesses really nail email marketing. A lot of the struggle? Getting cold emails right.

If SaaS companies could make their emails not just reach people but really show their value, they could see a big increase in revenue.

Keep reading to learn how to apply the right cold email strategy and acquire more SaaS customers

What Makes SaaS Cold Email Marketing Different & What To Expect?

SaaS businesses have a unique way of pulling in new clients — free trials. It’s an amazing strategy because, let’s face it, who doesn’t love getting something for free? But that’s only the start. The real challenge is converting those trial users into paying customers. 

Think about it; many users are just there for the free ride. That means your trial needs to pack a punch. It’s not enough to just showcase your software’s features. You need to clearly show how it solves their specific problems.

Plus, by giving users a full taste of what your software can do, you help them discover all the ways it can be useful to them. This not only makes your product stickier but also uncovers marketing angles you might not have considered before.

In short, if you’re in the SaaS game, it’s time to make those free trials work hard for you.

How To Build A Cold Email Marketing List For SaaS?

The key to a successful cold email isn’t the fancy templates, outreach tools, or simply personalization. It’s also about the people you target.

If your prospects are the right fit for your offering, they’ll want to hear from you, even if your email isn’t perfect.

Here is how you can build a mailing list of qualified prospects:

Sourcing Qualified Prospects

When hunting for prospects, you have plenty of options! You can use the prospect database.

tools or manually comb through platforms like AngelList. Securing their contact info, particularly emails, is crucial, but don’t stop there. Make sure those emails are legit.

A quick tip: GrowMeOrganic offers access to verified email databases. This step is a game-changer because it minimizes email bounces, keeping your send-out game strong and your emails out of the spam dungeon.

(Sign Up for a 14-Day Free Trial Now)

Remember, it’s key to ensure those prospects align with your campaign goals before you hit send. Happy prospecting!

Formatting Your List

Got your list of prospects ready? Great! Now, let’s get it organized in Google Sheets.

Add each prospect’s info into a spreadsheet, and add columns for:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Company name
  • Job title
  • A personalized opening line

This setup will make it seamless to upload into your cold email tool and start reaching out. Most prospecting tools let you download your list as a CSV, so you can easily tweak and use the data however you need.

Creating Email With A Personalized Touch

To ace cold emails, make them all about the person you’re reaching out to. Kick off with an opener that’s all theirs—showing you’ve really looked into who they are. It’s this personal touch that’ll make your message pop among the endless inbox flood.

Try these tips:

  • Highlight a shared interest or background.
  • Bring up a recent highlight from their social media.
  • Talk about something new happening at their company.

Get the start of your email just right, proving you’ve made the effort, and they’ll see it’s tailor-made for them.

Cold outreach, when done right, can boost lead generation. Check out how Ryan Stewart used it to promote their WordPress Plugin without a budget for ads or influencers. In this video, he shows how he tweaked the cold email approach to drive plugin installs. Watch and learn from it. 

Here Is How Your SaaS Organization Can Get More Customers With Cold Email Marketing

To make your SaaS cold email campaign shine, ensure the email content is conversational, devoid of fluff, and easy to read. This approach helps to engage the recipient more effectively by making the email feel more personal and less like a generic sales pitch.

Identify Your Target Market

Before getting into your cold email strategy, know who your prospects are.

If you have an existing list, use it to build a clear profile of your ideal customer. Having names and job titles isn’t enough—you need to understand their needs.

Check your customer data to see which emails are getting the best responses. This can give you insights into what your prospects are interested in.

Next, assess their organization. Ask yourself:

  • What industry are they in?
  • How many employees do they have?
  • What software are they using?
  • Are they using any competitors’ products?
  • What are their growth plans?

Gather as much relevant information as you can to understand their pain points. Then, figure out how your product or service can solve their problems.

Find the Correct Recipient

Once you know who you’re targeting, the next step is getting their email address. There’s no need to stress, though; there’s an easy solution. Try out GrowMeOrganic

Simply search using the person’s name along with their company or location, and you’ll have their email in no time. Plus, our tool verifies the emails to make sure your messages actually reach their inboxes.

Personalize Your Content With 

Some salespeople think “making it personal” means talking about themselves, but that’s a mistake, especially with cold emails. Your focus should be on the prospect.

  1. Start by showing you’ve done your homework. Show concern for their success by reviewing their social media—Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  1. Find details to break the ice. Have they won an award? Published an article? Achieved something cool? Mention it.

As Dan Jak said on personalization, It is not about first/last name. It’s about relevant content.” So, tend to it. 

Personalization takes little time. LinkedIn can provide information about a person’s job, school, and even charities they support.

Always verify names and titles. If you’re emailing Abigail Smith, Marketing Head, ensure she prefers “Abigail” over “Abby” and double-check his title. Getting it right shows you’re up-to-date.

Segment Your List

Segmenting emails simplifies management and increases reply rates. Whether sorting by company size, job role, or personal details, it organizes tasks and saves effort. 

Email segmentation lets marketers target messages more accurately by dividing their audience based on shared characteristics.

Understanding each segment’s distinct qualities enables the tailoring of emails to better suit each group. This approach boosts conversions. Here are a few ways to do so –

  • Demographic Segmentation – This uses info like age, gender, income, education, and job. 
  • Geographic Segmentation – Segment by location, useful for local businesses or region-specific products. 
  • Behavioral Segmentation – Based on consumer behavior, like purchase history and product usage.

Crafting Killer Subject Lines

For successful cold email marketing, use catchy subject lines. They’re the first thing recipients see, so make them interesting and relevant to increase the chances of your email being opened. 

If they’re dull or irrelevant, they’ll get deleted fast.

Keep your subject lines short and to the point but intriguing enough to spark curiosity. Ensure they match your email content so recipients know what to expect.

If you’re selling something, mention it in the subject line. This grabs attention and increases your chances of getting a response.

Check all Elements Before Sending

When sending cold emails for your SaaS company, keep it simple. Ensure your message is easy to read and understand.

Before you hit send, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my call to action (CTA) clear?
  • Does this email connect personally with the recipient?
  • Am I emailing the right person?
  • Do I understand their pain points?

Another key to effective cold emails is the AIDA model: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Balance these four elements for the best results. And remember, a great CTA can almost double your success!

Following Up

Follow-up is vital to keeping in touch with prospects effectively. It notably increases the likelihood of receiving responses. You can gauge the success of these efforts by tracking their outcomes.

Notably, incorporating follow-up emails into your strategy can enhance the probability of a reply by up to 25%, underscoring the importance of not overlooking them.

Moreover, investing effort into composing longer follow-up emails, aiming for a concise length of no more than 150 words, increases the chances of arranging a meeting by 15 times. 

Always reiterate the core message from your initial communication, providing clear context in your follow-ups.

Given that prospects often receive numerous emails, there’s a risk your initial message might be overlooked. Therefore, in your follow-up, refresh their memory about your identity and the purpose of your correspondence.

Research indicates that sending three follow-up messages can notably alter the outcome of your outreach efforts.

You can adopt strategies such as utilizing a personal domain and tailoring email templates, as suggested by insights from a Reddit user. These adjustments could lead to improved response rates.

cold email for saas product

Tools That Can Help You With Your SaaS Cold Email Outreach Efforts

1. GrowMeOrganic

GrowMeOrganic is a powerful cold email tool that helps you send super personalized emails with automatic follow-ups. It’s easy to use, even for beginners. 

You can find valid email addresses, send tailored emails, create outreach templates, and track your results. Plus, you can extract and save emails from the web. It’s affordable and lets you save unlimited emails.

With GrowMeOrganic, send as many emails and follow-ups as you want, manage multiple lists, and import unlimited contacts into the CRM. 

Connect as many email accounts as you need, like Gmail, G-Suite, Zoho, Outlook, or any custom SMTP. It’s all reliable and unlimited. 

Start sending endless emails today with GrowMeOrganic!

cold email marketing strategy

Why Choose GrowMeOrganic For Your SaaS Cold Email Outreach 

There are tons of cold email outreach tools, each with its own cool features to make your email campaigns successful. I want your cold outreach to hit the mark and help you reach your goals.

So, here’s why GrowMeOrganic is a cut above the rest:

  • Personalization: With GrowMeOrganic, you can easily personalize your SaaS emails for each contact. Just add their first and last names, department, city, and more.
  • Automated Follow-Ups: This feature lets you set up automatic follow-ups, so you don’t have to chase contacts manually. It saves time and effort, allowing you to reach out to more people effortlessly.
  • Email Warm-Up: Get your emails going fast! Email Warm-up lands your emails in the right inboxes, not spam folders. It lets you gradually introduce yourself to a new email service so you don’t get flagged as a spammer.
  • Spintax: It is a cool tool that lets you create different versions of your email. It’s perfect for testing out messages to find the best one for your contacts.
  • Reply Tracking: GrowMeOrganic’s reply tracking lets you easily monitor email replies. See how fast someone replies, if they opened your message, and if they clicked any links.

2. Saleshandy

Saleshandy is your go-to cold email tool. It finds the right prospects, creates personalized emails on a large scale, and sets up unlimited email sequences that get results.

email marketing for customer acquisition

With Saleshandy’s AI writing assistant, you can draft unique emails easily. It also offers A-Z testing, letting you try out 26 different subject lines, email bodies, and CTAs to see what works best.

The coolest part? Saleshandy helps you build a strong sender reputation with tools like sequence score and sender rotation.

While it has some excellent cold emailing features, it may not be as affordable as the first on our list. 

3. Snov.io

Snov.io is a handy cold emailing tool that helps you verify emails in bulk by importing your list. However, it doesn’t check them in real time. It also lacks an email/domain warm-up feature, so you must manage that manually. 

customer acquisition email automation

For automation, Snov.io offers some useful features and allows for A/B testing, but only for those on higher plans. If you’re on the Starter plan or using the free version, you’ll miss out on this. 

You can personalize your cold email campaigns using custom fields and set up conditions based on prospect behavior. 

Integration-wise, Snov.io works seamlessly with Pipedrive, but you’ll need to use Zapier for other CRMs and tools like HubSpot or Salesforce.

4. Mailshake

MailShake has been a popular cold email software since 2015. What began as a tool for content creators has transformed into a full-fledged sales engagement platform. 

email marketing acquisition strategy

With standout features like detailed reporting, smooth client onboarding, and native CRM integrations with Pipedrive, HubSpot, and Salesforce, MailShake is a favorite among agencies. 

Its unique calendar view lets you track exactly when your emails go out, and users rave about its top-notch customer support. 

However, it can get pricey if you manage multiple accounts. Also, the lack of a free trial along with a yearly commitment might be a hurdle for new users. 

Given its effective features, some find the UI a bit outdated. Overall, MailShake is a powerful tool, but it has its quirks.

Cold emailing for SaaS works great if you target the right people, scale it up, and track your results. Get those in place, and you’re all set!

email for saas

5 SaaS Cold Email Templates That’ll Never Betray You

Check out these five cold email templates you can use for your SaaS outreach!

Promotional Template

Subject Line: Let’s Collaborate, {{First Name}}

Email Body:

Hi {{First Name}},

I’m {{Your Name}}, and I’m with {{Company Name}}. I heard you’re looking for a {{Cold Emailing Software}}, and I think we can help.

At [GrowMeOrganic], we’ve been boosting outreach for companies like yours for over X years. We’ve helped clients like Company X increase their conversion rate by 5% in just 3 months. With our tool, you can automate your outreach and ditch the manual work.

Curious? Check us out here: {{add link}}. If you’re interested, let’s set up a meeting.


{{Your Name}}

Before After Bridge

Subject line:

{{First Name}}, your site could be missing out.

Email body:

Hi {{First Name}},

I noticed your website isn’t fully mobile-friendly. This might mean you’re missing out on potential customers.

I’ve got just the thing to fix that—a plug-in that optimizes your site for mobile without any IT hassle.

With {{Name of your product}}, your site will automatically adjust for mobile devices once the plug-in is installed.

Interested in learning more?

Best Regards,

 {{Your Name}}

Sharing Your USP

Subject Line:

{{First Name}}, let’s make your lead generation easier.

Email Body:

Hi {{First Name}},

I noticed you checked out our site recently and wanted to see if I could help.

At {{Name of Your Company}}, we’re experts in [Email Automation].

Given that your team in the {{Name of Industry}} sector might be stretched thin with manual lead generation, our tool, {{Name of Your Product}}, can automate this process, freeing up your team to focus on closing deals.

Let’s chat about how we can help you hit your goals this year. You can book a time with me here:

{{add link}}

Can’t wait to connect!

{{Your Name}}

Expiration of Free Trial

Subject Line:

{{First Name}}, your free trial ends in 2 days!

Email Body:

Hi {{First Name}},

I hope you’ve enjoyed using {{name of your product}} and it’s been a great fit for your [[email marketing needs]].

Just a heads-up—your free trial wraps up in 2 days.

But don’t worry, we have something exciting coming soon: an [AI Email Assistant]! You won’t want to miss it.

Upgrade your subscription here {{hyperlink to your pricing page}} to keep the momentum going.

If you don’t, your account will be inactive after the trial ends.

{{Add CTA}}

Got questions about our plans? Just hit reply!

{{Your Name}}

Event Invitation

Subject: 🎉 Join Us for [Event Name]!

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well! I’m reaching out to invite you to our upcoming event, [Event Name], happening on [Event Date] at [Event Location].

We’ll be [briefly mention key highlights or benefits of the event]. It’s a great chance to [mention what they’ll gain or experience].

Would love for you to join us! You can grab your spot [RSVP link or details].

Looking forward to seeing you there!

[Your Name]
[Your Position]

To really stand out with your SaaS cold emails, make sure you’re packing them with real value. Talk about what makes your product different or share the unique story behind your company. A clear and compelling value proposition is your ticket to catching attention. Keep it straight to the point and easy to digest.

cold email lead generation hacks

Some Lesser-Said SaaS Cold Email Marketing Tips to Keep in Mind

Map Out Customer Journey 

Figure out where your target customers are on the map—do they know there are solutions, do they know about you, and do they understand what you offer? 

Then, plan emails for each stage to guide them along. Each email should have a clear goal: give them the info they need to move to the next level of awareness

Using Persuasion Triggers 

To get your prospects to act, use persuasion triggers besides product info. Try social proof like testimonials, create urgency with scarcity countdown timers, etc. Leverage FOMO with phrases like “Don’t miss out!”

Emphasize On Single Idea 

The Rule of One says great marketing focuses on just one thing: one reader, one offer, one big idea. When writing emails, stick to one goal per email. 

You can send a series of emails, each highlighting a different aspect of your offer. This makes your prospect move gradually.

Trying Pattern Interrupts 

Use pattern interrupts to change a prospect’s mental state and pique their interest. Test different subject lines and sender names to see what sparks curiosity and boosts open rates. Offer incentives to high-quality leads to get them more engaged and to score them better. 

Build Trust 

Focus on building trust, especially if prospects don’t know you or your product well. Avoid clickbait in your emails, as it can damage trust. Instead, use videos to make a personal connection, A/B test incentives to find the right balance, and use social proof to make your claims more credible.

Adding links to your emails?—Just one more thing to check! Links in the first cold email work. Yes, I agree. But the game plan must change when you are sending emails at scale. Why? Read below!

cold email marketing for saas

3 Major Benefits of Cold Email Marketing For SaaS

Cold emails are excellent for enhancing brand awareness. Here are some benefits of cold email marketing for SaaS proving it:

Lead GenerationLead generation and cold emails are a perfect match. At the start of every sales cycle, you need leads, and cold emails help you get them. 
They gather valuable prospect info, making them a top tool for finding new leads.
NetworkingCold emailing is all about letting decision-makers know what you offer. 
They might not even know your service exists, so you can show them how it solves their problems. 
Even if they don’t buy right away, you’re still boosting your brand’s visibility.
Persistent & Cost-EffectiveCold emails let you stay persistent without spending extra money. 
Unlike other marketing methods, which can get pricey if you need to repeat them, cold emails are budget-friendly for ongoing efforts.

If you’re a SaaS owner struggling with leads, cold emailing could be your new best friend. According to Christian Lomboy, a Cold Email Specialist, it’s great for targeting and building connections, and it can do more than you’d expect!

cold email marketing strategy


Cold emails can get a bad reputation because some people use them to send out tons of irrelevant, impersonal messages. But when done right, they can be a great tool!

Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches — at scale.” — David Newman and I couldn’t agree more. 

Absolutely, cold emailing can be a game-changer for SaaS companies! The key lies in nailing a few critical steps: 

  1. Build a robust prospect list, 
  2. Pen down engaging and persuasive emails, 
  3. Hook ’em with a snappy subject line
  4. Don’t skip the follow-up. 

Think about these emails as your gateway to forging new relationships. Initially, use them to tap into your desired audience, showcasing what unique value you’re poised to offer. 

As time goes on, clearly outline how your tool will uplift their business. Viewing cold emails through the lens of relationship-building will naturally propel your SaaS venture’s growth. 

Keen on snagging new SaaS clients through cold emails? Let’s dive in! For more winning strategies, our team at GrowMeOrganic is just a message away.

FAQs –

  1. How Many Cold Emails Can You Send Per Day? 

To avoid being marked as spam, send no more than 10-20 cold emails per day. This ensures your account stays in good standing and increases your chances of positive responses.

  1. How To Write A Cold Email For A Saas Product? 

Picture your ideal customer in detail. Consider their industry, company size, job title, pain points, and goals. This will help you tailor your messages to resonate with your target audience.

  1. Does Email Marketing Work For Saas? 

Yes, email marketing works well for SaaS. It helps in customer retention, onboarding, and upselling by providing targeted, personalized content directly to users.

  1. What Is The Conversion Rate For Cold Emailing In Saas? 

In 2021, cold emails had an average conversion rate of 15%. Low response rates don’t always mean people aren’t interested. A well-crafted follow-up and a bit of persistence can get them to respond.

  1. What Is The Success Rate Of Cold Emailing? 

The average cold email response rate is 8.5%. So, out of 100 emails, only 8 people might reply. One reason could be the average open rate of 23.9%.

  1. Is It Okay To Send Cold Emails To Businesses? 

Yes, it’s okay to send cold emails to businesses if they follow legal guidelines, are personalized, and provide value. Ensure compliance with anti-spam laws and always include an easy opt-out option.

  1. What’s The Average Conversion Rate For A Cold Emailing Campaign? 

The average conversion rate for a cold emailing campaign typically ranges from 1% to 5%. This rate can vary based on factors like targeting, email content, and follow-up strategy.

  1. How Long Should A Cold Email Be? 

A cold email should be concise, ideally around 50-125 words. Focus on a clear, engaging message with a strong call to action.

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