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How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic?

How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic?

Step 1: Enable 2-Step Verification

  1. Back in myaccount.google.com in the Security section
  2. Scroll to the “Signing in to Google” section.
  3. Click on “2-Step Verification” and turn it on.

You MUST have 2-Step Verification on to make an app password

‍Step 2: Create an App Password

  1. In myaccount.google.com (after you’ve turned on 2-Step Verification), in the Security side-bar section, scroll back to “Signing in to Google”
  2. Click “App passwords”
How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic? 9
  1. Under the “Select app” section select “Mail”
  2. Under the “Select Device” section select “Other (custom name)” and write GrowMeOrganic
How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic? 10
  1. Click “Generate”
  2. You’ll now get an app password that looks like this:
How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic? 11

Step 3: Set up Google Workspace Account on GrowMeOrganic

1. Login to your GrowMeOrganic dashboard.

2. Go to  CRM > Senders (SMTP) > Connect a SMTP (sender)

How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic? 12

3. You’ll see a new pop up. Enter your Gmail account credential (scroll down to fill in the complete form)

How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic? 13
How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic? 14
How do I use my Gmail account to send Emails with GrowMeOrganic? 15

With free Gmail account you can send 150 emails per days but first make sure to warm up your email if it is a fresh domain. To send more emails, you can either create multiple Gmail/Google Workspace accounts or use services like Amazon SES (extremely cheap) to send a lot of emails.

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