Ten Tips for Boosting Your Email Signature!

Most brands and professionals underestimate the power of their email signature when it comes to the important elements of an email.

In addition to letting recipients know who sent the email, your signature adds legitimacy to your message. If you do it right, it will boost your engagement levels and prompt more responses.

You can use these 10 easy ideas to go beyond the standard elements and maximize the value of your email signature.

Email Signatures: Why They Matter

Regardless of why you’re emailing, getting your email signature right can have many benefits.

As a starter, email signatures help remove the guesswork associated with contact identification. It’s one of the fastest ways for a recipient to understand who sent them the message, both in terms of the brand and the individual member of a team.

In addition to providing authority, email signatures inform the recipient that the email is coming from a human being and not just some nameless robot. Whether you’re sending a newsletter to consumers or cold outreach to potential customers, your email signature tells the recipient you’re a real person.

Providing your name and contact information in your email signature makes it easier for recipients to get in touch. By doing so, you increase the possibility that someone with a question will take the time to contact you.

All of this contributes to emails having higher engagement rates, which is what we are ultimately trying to accomplish when we send them all out.

How to Improve Your Email Signature in 10 Easy Steps

Make the most of your one email signature. Be sure to have the tried-and-true essentials for email marketing in place before getting fancy: your email address, your company website, your phone number, and links to your main business-oriented social media profiles. The following are some other points to consider:

Share Your Calendly Link

Share Your Calendly Link

It is much more efficient to provide a Calendly link to a recipient who wants to schedule a time to chat than a bunch of back-and-forth emails.

A link to the live chat 

You can also include a link to your Slack DM, your Skype account, or your Microsoft Teams chat page so that prospects and leads can ask questions or request help quickly.

Product Review Link

A Yelp or Google Review link may encourage someone who wouldn’t otherwise consider leaving a product review to do so.

Sign up for your eNewsletter 

Organically growing your newsletter contact list is the best way to do so, and the more channels you can use to accomplish that, the better. One great way to do this is to include a link to your newsletter sign-up form, and it makes it easier for recipients to share the link with others.

Links to Readings or Writings

If you include a link to your blog or sales enablement content, your thought leadership credentials can be enhanced and the recipients will learn more about you. An alternative method would be to link to a relevant article written about you.  

Showcase Your Product with a link

You can link to a general demo and set up a one-on-one meeting if you don’t want prospects and leads to sign up for a personalized demo.

Use Emojis

Emojis are a great way to distinguish your email and make it seem more friendly. 

However, this isn’t always the best approach. So, decide if it’s appropriate for the person or persons you are sending the email to and in line with the tone and image you intend to convey.

Include a quote that you like

In the same way that an emoji is considered in context with your general tone, a short quote could be a memorable way to sign off.

Include an image of yourself or a logo for your company

Professionals often include an image in their signature. Ensure that you test it so that you know that it displays and not the dreaded broken attachment thumbnail.

Select what works for you, finding the right balance between what gets you the most engagement and without overcrowding your signature. It may also be a good idea to modify your signature based on the type of contacts you’re interacting with, especially when it comes to general outreach versus specific lead interactions.

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